Sunday, October 30, 2011

A poem a day

A poem a day makes what go away
You see an apple a day is supposed to keep the doctor away
The problem is apples make me nauseous
Time is meant to heal all wounds
But to me it seems that time only enhances memorizes of disappointment and shame
But what does a poem a day cause...
Does it keep you from the doctor -- no
Does it heal old hurts --no
Does it serve any function in society -- not really
Then why for generation after generation someone puts words on a page to tell a story by writing a poem
A poem doesn't make anything go away -- no no
Instead it brings you to think -- of what -- Any and Everything

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


What can we then say to these things if God be for us then tell me who can be against us. If God opens a door who can dear shut it. You know a couple months prior to my birth the doctors told my mom that there was a complication with her pregnancy and that she should just abort because if she didn't there wouldn't be a hope of either of us surviving. But I am here 22 years proving the doctors wrong and telling the devil that he has no say in my life. What the enemy planned for evil my God turned it around for my good. Now if God already beat death from the time of my birth what can stop me - nothing. Be encourage that the devil my try and stop you but God has already won the battle on calvary so go ahead and walk in you victory. Be blessed and be encourage God has you in mind and He loves you so much

The Quake - August 23, 2011

What do we learn from a quake?

Who's name do we shout first?

Who do we look for to see if they are okay?

Do we become stronger?

Do we reflect on our lives?

The Quake

The quake shakes us to the very core

We keep on thinking 'i could've done more'

We ask the major questions 'what am i living for'

and think of avenues we never explored

we humble ourselves and realize our humaninity

and notice we are all subject to gravity

where do we run and hide and find shelter

or do we realize no where is safe and we are helpless

if this is true and we cast all caution to the wind and do whatever

if this is false then where does help come from

it comes from the one who makes the earth quake,

with the sound of his voice

and cause the mountains to skip and the approach of his feet

the seas clap and the oceans roar at His presence

and time and space can not contain Him

Who is this King of glory?

The Lord of Host - Yahweh is his name

Sept 11

I think it is interesting...

we remember those who have fallen; and rightfully so

on the other 364 days of the year-- what are we doing to make our lives better though

we treat each other with such disdain

but Sept 11 comes - and washes the stains?

the people that were enemies

are now contemporaries.

we smile and fawn and act politely

but in our heart we hate them and not slightly

we pretenders! we false prophets

as crocodile tears fall from eye socks

we who use Freedom to justify war

so what exactly is worth fighting for.

Selfish. Silly. Stubborn

we search for Freedom like buried treasure

but Jack Sparrow is in movies; there is no gold to measure

but we hunt for Freedom like a prized deer

and forget those we hold dear.

there has to be a solution! Freedom has to be attainable

I'll tell you. Freedom. by Jesus - indelible

so let us remember the fallen

and have cause to no longer be so sullen

because He lives let us face tomorrow

and be forever free- in Him -from now- till every morrow

the start of death

Though my posts about the Bible are not going to follow any type of order i thought it would be cool to start with the book of Genesis. Let's look at;

A) Genesis 1:28b "and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing thatcreepeth upon the earth.
B) Genesis 2:17 "But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die."
C) Genesis 3:1-6 the serpent tempted eve and she ate the fruit

In scripture A, man is meant to have dominion over everything, this dominion was given to them by God. The reason i place in red "over ever creeping thing" is because Eve had dominion over the creeping thing (serpent) and 1. wasn't meant to talk to it 2. shouldn't obey it. Imagine a king listening to talking pig on matters of the country (it makes no sense right). Someone in dominion shouldn't be listening to an animal. So the first sin was that Eve didn't show dominion the second sin was that she ate the apple both of these sins were sins ofdisobedience.

Now in scripture B, the sentence is interesting because most people read it this way "on the same day the eat the fruit they should die" but lets unpack the sentence:
King James Version: For in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt die. If we use the synonym of "thereof", which is"thence"or "therefrom" so replacing with these words it reads
For in the day thou east therefrom or thence. So basically the sentence means because the eat the fruit they will die, however it never specifies when they will die but in Genesis 5:5 Adam dies.

So because of sin we have to die, but "whosoever believes in Jesus will not die but have everlasting life" John 3:16b, this everlasting life continues after death (flesh). Our spirits never die but our flesh does. And that is the start of death.

P.S. i am not a Bible scholar just someone that loves God.

watching tv

what is it about watching tv that causes one to be so captured
you can sit in front of tv for hours at a time
but try reading a book or doing something and there is a problem
all of a sudden you get fidgety and you can't concentrate
you think of a thousand other things you could be doing
so what happens when we are not watching tv?
do we fill our day with random occurrences
by passing the roses on the road
waiting for the moment in which we plump back
down on the chair and watch tv.
what is it about the minimal that takes prevalence
over the maximal we find a way to do
the least and get the most
and as such we never are able fully
appreciate what we get because we never place any effort
but we are really good at watching tv
doesn't that mean something?

story idea

in the midst of the blackest darkness comes the brightest star. But here in the darkest darkness Vida doesn't feel like anyone can see her, hear her, or knows where she is. Vida is sitting in a pitch dark room. The room has a bed and a toilet but Vida can't see anything...
all i want to do is praise
with my heart
all i want to do is worship
with my will
all i want to do is thank you
with my actions
may my praise arise as a sweet smelling savor to you lips

my hearts desire

teach me to know you
that i might know you
that i may seek you and always find you

teach me to long for
teach me to yearn towards
everything that is like you

i just want to know you in every single way
i just want to please you in every thing i say
just want you to use me everyday
that i may know you... is my hearts desire

teach to me follow
where you lead i'll go
order my steps.. Lord
in your will

and when you speak Lord
let my ears hear you
what you want let me will do

Just want all of you
nothing else will no
Just want all of you

coming right away

When the spirit of the Lord comes down
we must prophecy we must sow our lives to the glory of Christ
When the spirit of the Lord comes down
we must dream dream we must foresee and have visions

I see the Lord coming down with clouds of fire
the whole shakes at His arrival
the whole earth quakes at the glory of the King
I see the Lord His glory fills the sanctuary
and all the people want to tarry in the presence of the King

when the spirit of the Lord comes down
we must glorify we must testify that Jesus is Christ
when the spirit of the Lord comes down
we must worship him we must praise his name forever

Jesus is not coming soon
His coming right away
and He will only choose
those who are clean

His coming for a spotless Bride
and those who forgive
Tell your neighbors and your friends
His coming right away His coming right away

steve harvey

i heard steve harvey preaching the other day.... and wow
you know most preachers don't do what steve harvey did...
its not about knowing scriptures its what you do with the scriptures...
steve harvey said that your passion will never get you anywhere its your gift that makes room for you (Proverbs 18:16)
for example my passion is dancing.... but i know that i am not getting on American Best Dance Crew anytime soon
However my gift is writing.... I can make up any story from the top of my head and that is the gift that God has given me... But my passion won't take me past my door step

Steve Harvey said that your gift is what you can do without even thinking about it
But know your gift and that gift will make room for you in front of great men

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hearing Hope

To anyone - girl - boy - man - women-
who has never fit it
who doesn't look like everyone else
who doesn't sound like everyone else
who has or is struggling with insecurities... I hear you

I hear you at night
when you wonder when the pain is going to end
I hear you in the day
when you wish someone would just hold you
I hear you in the times
that you want to give up
I hear you in the moments
when your tired of being lonely

I hear you
as you wonder why you father left
I hear you
as you contemplate the things you could have done to make him stay
I hear you
as you blame yourself for not being loved
oh i hear you

and in the bleakest moment
and in the silent times
you struggle
and you want to be like everyone else
you want to fit this mold that has been created by society? your parents?

you always want to please someone else
you try opening yourself up and making friends
but to no avail.

I hear you because
our stories are the same
and I pray that our stories will end the same

Because now I hear a still small voice
telling me that I am beautiful
telling me that I am loved
telling me that I am an overcomer

I hear Jesus on the cross
taking my shame away
taking condemnation away
taking guilt away

I hear hope!
I hear peace!
I fill Joy!

A joy that enters the very core of my existence
a love that makes me white as snow
No more pain
No more loneliness
No more!!!

I have Jesus that sticks closer than a brother that will never leave me nor forsake me.......
I hear.......Him

Saturday, April 16, 2011

on love

being in love.
finding love.
falling in love.
I think the best way to see if you really love someone is when you are able to be quiet with them. Maybe you're reading a book and he is reading a newspaper. Or you're both working from home. Or you are seating down to eat and don't really have anything to say and somehow you are both content. No one has to force a conversation no one has to strive to be anything that they are not, you just are, in that moment where you are able to hear your own thoughts and nothing is forced. If you can find that person that allows you to be yourself... In the hope that you yourself know who you are... then you have love.
... when all of a sudden you find every topic involving him or her. Someone might say oh 'did you hear about the stock market' and you'll say 'oh that reminds me of when Bob was...'
... you miss him and think about him in the weirdest instances
... you think about and do what you know only he will appreciate
.... when you hear your phone beep/buzz/ or vibrate you pick it up in the expectation that its him
... when you talk to him over the phone and he says something you like- you smile...even though he can't see you he knows that he has made you smile
... when you get angry with him or at him... what annoys you more than anything in the world is that for a period of time your not talking to him. So anything that makes you happy you have no one to tell because he is your best friend. And when you are honest with yourself- the fact that he is upset pisses you off [even though you caused it] you want his pain to go away because you can't stand the fact that he is not speaking to you. So you use a cute way to start talking to him again. Or a maybe you listen to the voicemail that he left you over and over again but somehow that is not the same. The joy of the smile on his face is no longer there and at this point you rather see a frown then nothing at all.
... when he holds you in his arms it is as if he is the only person that knows how to hold you. And somehow he always knows what to say and what not to say. He knows the perfect instance to correct you and the perfect situation to just let you cry. And even though you hate crying in front of people... he is the only exception. You don't mind letting him see the sides of yourself that you didn't even know existed. He pulls on your strengths and shadows your weakness.
... you do have to struggle to be something that you are not and are never going to be... he allows the silly along with the intelligent... he loves the sarcastic and the venerable.
... he never over steps his boundaries or assumes what you have never admitted to but he will wait until you say 'i love you' first - fore he knows coming from you -it means the world and after you tell him how much you are in love with him he hugs you.... He doesn't kiss you because he respects your values and although the passion in his eyes scourge your very skin and you want to give in to that moment........ he won't let you; he knows you might just beat yourself up afterward
... he know the deepest darkest things that no one else knows. He never holds it against you or even bothers to bring it up; instead he prays. He prays for you as if you where his own body and you find yourself constantly praying for him. You can't help it, it comes out of you like a rushing flood overwhelming you and leaving you satiated and filled to the top....

now thats the kind of love they leave out of the fairytales. A perfect mix of agape, phileo, and eros.
- agape: a love that is unconditional. you love them just because you can. they did nothing to deserve it so they can do nothing to take it away. Its a -I love you by force- whether you like it or not type of love
- phileo: a brotherly love. a love that even when you are up to your brim with the crap they put you through- you hear someone else talk about them and thats a no no
- eros: passionate love. a love that you just want to be in the same room as them. That you don't want them to leave your side. You just can't get enough of them.

And i told the Lord that I will wait for His perfect will for my life. I told the Lord that remove and add any and everything you want for a future husband. Because when it is all said and done only what God has joined will stand...